Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Couldn't Handle It!
Monday, February 2, 2009
"I am an Animal Rescuer"

I was born with the drive to fulfill their needs.

(Yep, same dog)
And I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body too many times to count.
I want to live forever if there aren't animals in Heaven, but I believethere are. Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind?
I know what true unconditional love really is, for I've seen it shining in the eyes of so many grateful for so little.
My work is never done.
My home is never quiet.
My heart is always full.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Jet Is Doing Really Well
He has been doing his best to learn the basics of the word "no" and "go potty". I was cuddling with him this morning when a had a vision of what his life was like before he ended up at TLAC.
This is what I think. I think he was born to a family that wasn't "expecting" pups from their unaltered female, back-yard dog. These people were able to find homes for most of the pups, but Jet was the most difficult, or maybe it was that he was the cutest? No matter, they couldn't keep him inside the house, that would mean they'd have to train him some. So, he barked. And barked, and barked.
Anyway, he's been spared both the life of a back-yard dog and being dead.
Once I understood this, I was more sympathetic to his needs, more patient, and level headed with his basic training. Jet is a darling.