Even though I was quite exhausted from a busy day at work, I had to walk the crew. Why do dogs like to eat cat shit? I'll never, ever understand this. Rowe-Quinn and Sookie are the worst offenders. If only I could just keep them moving instead of letting them "stop and smell the roses" so-to-speak.
For those of my dogs that have pills to take, chicken hearts have the neatest little "pockets" that pills fit in. The hearts are kind of slippery so even if the dogs knew that there were pills in them they slide so fast down their throats, it's too late!
Their teeth get an amazing scraping when the 'crunch' the bones from the chicken leg quarters they get. Sookie (above) has the most amazing smile for a 7 year old girl!
The only problem I have is Alissa sometimes doesn't want to eat the pieces of chicken I give her. I've even been crushing the bones and cutting the pieces into 1" size or so. It's puzzling....but I reckon I'll work through that.
Sugar use to 'bury' some of her chicken in the sheet that I lay out for her to eat on. Can't have that messy, raw food on the carpet now can I? Now she doesn't miss a piece of her meal.
Rowe-Quinn quite savors his food. Studying it, thinking about how to eat the pieces that are too big to gulp.
Rascal, well, he's never turn his back on ANY food. Licks his bowl spotless and then checks out everyone's bowl when they're done. Rascal was suffering from recurring ear infections before I started him on raw food. He's only had one relapse since then and that cleared up very quickly with minimal treatment (cleaning) and no vet visit for a bunch of drugs that would only have made things worse.
I gained all the information I needed about switching my dogs to this diet when I was researching Homeopathy. The list owner told me in no uncertain terms that my Rascal needed to be on a 'species appropriate' diet. I signed into a Yahoo group called Rawfeeding. You don't even have to ask questions once you're on the list. You just need to search the archives and it's all there.
Sookie was my first dog and I know she feels it's her 'given right' to be closest to me at bedtime. However, she's 'polite' enough to wait until I invite her (this is all strictly my interpretation-anthropomorphizing if you will).
Lately, or since the fight between Rascal & Rowe-Quinn, RQ has been either judging the time or listening to my words & tone when I say, "well guys, I should probably get to bed", or something of that nature. Factoring in, the time of day, activity level in the house (Tim's already gone to bed). Because Rowe-Quinn will rise from any of his usual spots near my computer and make his way to the bedroom to get the spot that will be nearest the upper portion of my body.
He won't budge from this spot, he won't even open his eyes when I have to scootch him over so I have enough room.
He's adorable & my Sookie's such a good sport.
I recommend the Animal Medical Center to anyone that is looking for a new veterinarian that is low cost, sensitive, caring, and that has a wonderful staff.